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Encapsulated “Royal Jelly with Dry Honey”: start of sales

On June 23, during the Second Session of the Big Informative Conference dedicated to the topic of active aging, sales of a new exclusive product — the encapsulated “Royal Jelly with Dry Honey” started at the TENTORIUM® online store and its service centers.

The idea of making such a product came from elite sports. In 2020, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia requested TENTORIUM® to release a Russian royal jelly-based product for improving the health of professional athletes, as well as for increasing their stamina and quick post-training recovery.

The Innovation Department of the company, production engineers of the TENTORIUM RULAND plant, together with the experts of the Federal Research Center of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, have designed such a product. And today, its adapted version is available for everyone!

Interesting fact: The TENTORIUM® company participates in the program for the provision and implementation of domestic apiphytoproducts in elite sports. As of today, 13 national Olympic teams of the Russian Federation use TENTORIUM® products in training and competition, bringing home Olympic medals!

The new product contains two key components: royal jelly, the most valuable bee product, and dry honey, the pride of TENTORIUM®.

Royal jelly is characterized by a high biological activity and has healthy effect on the whole body. A queen bee, which is genetically identical with a worker bee, but feeds exclusively on “royal jelly” (named like that in English-speaking countries) lives up to 30 times longer than a worker bee (5-7 years) and is twice its size.

The chemical composition of royal jelly is very diverse, as it includes proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. In total, it consists of 400 bioactive compounds, having a surprisingly harmonious ratio between them.

Interesting fact: A human organism to work properly should be given at least 22 amino acids, twelve of which are synthesized, whereas another ten are essential and come ready-made from food. All of them are present in royal jelly!

Dry honey is produced at the TENTORIUM RULAND plant from liquid (native) honey using its own innovative technology – rapid honey crystallization. More detailed information about this technology has been given earlier. Dry honey enhances the health-improving effect of royal jelly, promotes self-renewal of blood cells, and ensures preservation of the product due to its natural preserving properties.

The combination of royal jelly and dry honey in encapsulated form is unique in Russia.

One capsule of “Royal Jelly with Dry Honey” contains the equivalent of 300 mg of fresh royal jelly.

The main focus of the health-improving properties of royal jelly is the activation and acceleration of the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation of all body cells, powering metabolism and maintaining optimal hormonal balance. “Royal Jelly with Dry Honey” can be taken daily throughout the year by the whole family: children, middle-aged and elderly people.

Regular intake of royal jelly contributes to:

  • neuroregeneration and an increase in the cortical activity of the brain. This has a beneficial effect on life expectancy, facilitates the body recovery from stress, helps to sleep better at night and improve memory.
    • normalization of metabolism in tissues and improvement of tissue trophism (nutrition).
    • growth and weight gain of children, their overall and physical development;
    • quicker postpartum recovery, stimulation of lactation, enrichment of a mother’s milk with vitamins and useful microelements.

Cheer yourself with the natural beehive gift “Royal Jelly with Dry Honey”! New product is already on sale!

The “Royal Jelly with Dry Honey” product was officially presented at the TENTORIUM® Leadership Forum on May 18.

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